Dharma Legacy


Rinpoche hosts guests around the firepit.
Leh, Ladakh, September 2023

A visit to the King's palace
Leh, Ladahk, September 2023

Rinpoche gives a dharma talk to students in Leh, Ladahk, September 2023

A camping trip to Phokar Dzong, site of Guru Rinpoche's meditation cave. Ladahk 2023

A dharma talk for students in Leh, Ladakh
August 31, 2023

Restaurant blessing and trip to the Indus River
Leh, Ladahk, August 31, 2023

Rinpoche explains "relics" and addresses subjects such as peacemaking and meditation. Leh, Ladahk, August 31, 2023

Tashi Choling Monastery, Sikkim, India, 2018.

Nechung Monastery & Mahibodha Temple, Bodgaya, India, 2020.

Tashiding Monastery, Sikkim, India, 2019

Gaya, India, 2020

Hanle, Ladakh, India, 2019

Monlam at Bodgaya, India 2020

Addressing students at Namdroling Monastery, Korseong, India

The Rinpoches conduct prayers at lake next to Tashi Choling Monastery.

In the village next to the Tashi Choling Monastery, Sikkim, India, 2018